Your Kidneys have failed and your heart is weak

These lines told to him 2 years ago by doctor still echo in the ears of 34-year-old Ashfaq.

After 1 year of Kidney transplant, He is happy and also surprised at his own fate.
Ashfaq was a young charismatic man who was fighting his kidney problem for last 8 years. “It all started in 2012, I started having swelling of my face and feet and tests showed that kidneys are not working well and also leaking protein”. He was diagnosed with Focal Segmental Glomerulonephritis (FSGS) in 2012. His maternal uncle also died of similar illness and his sister also has it.

His problem progressed to End-stage kidney disease and he was put on dialysis in 2019. His dreams were shattered. “I had a family to support and I was becoming a burden on them”. Dialysis felt like a life half-lived. Kidney transplant was his last hope, but his failing heart made that also difficult.

He came to our hospital with hope of getting a kidney transplant. Challenge was a poorly functioning heart with only 20% Ejection Fraction. Our team took that challenge. With multidisciplinary care, his transplant evaluation was started. His father came forward as a donor but was rejected due to medical problems. His step-mother, challenging our mental construct, came forward for kidney donation. Ashfaq underwent kidney transplant with his step-mother as a donor in 2020. It was a challenging but a successful surgery.

Transplant changed my life. I live just like a normal person. My heart is better. I am doing a job and earning bread for my family.

Ashfaq is doing well. His Heart function has improved with ejection fraction of 40% on last evaluation. He will be on medications to prevent rejection of kidney by his own body.

“I am happy. My son is doing well. I am also doing well” said her elated step-mother.

(**Note : Name changed to protect the identity).

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